
Come over to the darkside.

For my birthday -yes, another year closer to Botox- my beloved mother took me to a modern dance show. Though, I am not the type who "gets" the message they are trying to give, I do love all -ahum, most- forms of art and theatre. Thus, including this.

It was an amazing show but, I can honestly tell you it might have been the scariest thing I've ever seen. The lights kept going off -I am scared of the dark, still- and they kept making scary and loud noises. The characters were hard to identify. Most of the dancers were wearing black lycra leotards -looking like ninja's without the weapons- and the others were casually dressed in sloppy sweat pants and shirts. One of them was a baby. The umbilical cord gave it away... and maybe the fact that IT kept saying is was a baby. Another character was a sorcerer -more like a French sorcerer from the 1400s-. The last person I could identify was death. His long and beautiful gown gave that away. When he would jump up and down, the gown would actually bounce, eventhough the fabric would move seperately (and normal) when the person would walk. I don't know what it was made of, but I do know who made it.

Issey Miyake is my new favorite designer. The way he captured the whole idea of death in his gown, and the fact that he was immediately recognizable was incredible.

Unfortunately I couldn't find the DEATH gown, but I did find some other great designs.

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